climate SNAPSHOT

Our climate drives everything at Cool Planet, including this website’s design.

Most organisations develop a static brand, with limited ways to treat how it looks. Our work centres around a highly dynamic system (the environment), and we wanted our brand to represent what's important to us: the climate.

How it works

We have chosen two key indicators of climate health in Australia - average temperatures and carbon dioxide levels, to influence the design of this website and brand identity in real time. This means that our website will never look the same twice, it is constantly changing.

climate data


CO₂ Levels
Nov 2024 vs Nov 2010


The tint level of brand imagery is altered depending on the level of change in CO2 in the atmosphere. A high change results in a high tint.

Nov 2024 vs Nov 2010


The active brand colour palette is determined by the level of change in average temperatures. A high change results in warmer colours.

Byron Bay HQ
Oct 30, 2024
Partly cloudy
0 mm
0 kph

Movement and form

The background visualisations are constantly changing, depending on the local climate data for our headquarters in Byron Bay. High activity results in an increased intensity of the backgrounds.


The tints, colour and backgrounds are combined and then used to dynamically alter imagery.

dynamic brand creation

Brand Identity

Why are global temperatures and carbon dioxide levels important to consider?

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas in our atmosphere, and accelerates global warming. Human-induced climate change is the most pressing issue of our time and we are committed to reducing its effects.


Adopted by 196 countries in 2015, The Paris Agreement is an attempt to cap global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

Global Targets

To achieve 1.5 degrees celsius cap on average global temperatures, global emissions need to peak in 2025, and we need to see a 43% reduction by 2030 and net zero emissions occurring by 2050.

Need to know more?

Talk to us

If you have a business problem and need an environmental lens, or you have an environmental issue, needing a commercial lens, we'd love to hear from you.

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We are a modern climate impact agency that helps businesses commercialise sustainability.

© 2024 CoolPlanet. All rights reserved.